Planets and Conditions for Happy Married Life

You will live a happy married life, or a troubled one can be seen from your birth chart. The planets in the horoscope tell the tale of your life and its various aspects. A marriage astrologer can explain everything about your marriage through your kundli. If the planets are in bad shape in the birth chart forContinue reading “Planets and Conditions for Happy Married Life”

How Can Entrepreneurs Use Astrology

Today we find competitions everywhere. In business, reaching the desired heights is quite challenging for cutthroat competition. Running a smooth business free of hassles seems unbelievable today!  To start or expand a business venture requires significant investments of resources. And still, we remain uncertain about the success of a business despite employing the best ofContinue reading “How Can Entrepreneurs Use Astrology”

Panch Mahapurush Yog – Shash Yog – Shani Dev 

 17 जनवरी को शनिदेव करेंगे कुंभ राशि में गोचर। कुंभ है शनिदेव की स्वराशि। इस राशि में अत्यंत बली माना जाता है शनि. कुंभ राशि में शनि के गोचर से बनेगा शश योग/Shasha Yoga नामक पंचमहापुरुष योग. इन राशि वालों की खुलेगी किस्मत। वृषभ राशि वालों को नौकरी में मिलेगा प्रमोशन। सिंह राशि वालों कोContinue reading “Panch Mahapurush Yog – Shash Yog – Shani Dev “

Business Success Strategy with Birth Chart

It is rather inspiring to know that even the Kings and Queens used to adopt Astrology combinations to figure out their success strategies! The planetary combinations in your chart can write down your success story. Ask a business astrologer, and he will tell you the most suitable business so that you can flourish in no time.Continue reading “Business Success Strategy with Birth Chart”

How Does Moon Affect Our Life

As per Vedic Astrology, the Moon is the most important planet after the Sun. The Sun is the king, and the Moon is the queen in the astrological cabinet. Moon is the planet that gives you emotional strength and confidence. If you don’t lose heart in difficult situations, then the reason is your strong MoonContinue reading “How Does Moon Affect Our Life”

Auspicious Yoga – Shiva Yoga – Ashwini Nakshatra

नया साल शुरू होने में बस कुछ ही दिन हैं शेष. ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार नए साल के पहले दिन. बन रहे हैं कुछ विशेष दुर्लभ ज्योतिषीय संयोग। साल के पहले दिन बन रहा सर्वार्थ सिद्धि योग. नए साल के पहले दिन रहेगा अश्विनी नक्षत्र। साल के पहले दिन बनेगा शिव योग. अश्विनी नक्षत्र 27Continue reading “Auspicious Yoga – Shiva Yoga – Ashwini Nakshatra”

Birth Chart: Understanding the Planets and Their Meanings

The birth chart or Janam kundli can indicate important information about a person. Astrology involves reading and analyzing the planets, houses, signs, and nakshatras in a horoscope. A good astrologer has to comprehend the nine planets of birth chart correctly to make accurate predictions about someone’s life. A planet can be a malefic or benefic planet depending upon itsContinue reading “Birth Chart: Understanding the Planets and Their Meanings”

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